Angus, Catchment Technician

What attracted you to Wessex Water and how did you hear about your role?

I grew up on a farm and have always been surrounded by the environment and working outdoors. This has guided my academic interests in environmental sciences and ultimately my career search.

The water industry struck my interest, even more so when I discovered a catchment science-based team. I found the role on an environmental job search site.

What does your job entail and what do you most enjoy about the role?

My main role is to collect soil and water samples from water sources and nutrient-offsetting catchments. This includes agricultural runoff monitoring, groundwater investigations, and nutrient leaching sampling.

The information gathered informs Farm Advisers within the team what is going on in a catchment and the effectiveness of funded measures.

Tell us about your team and what you like most about working with them

My role makes me feel a part of a growing sector that is helping to shift the water industry and agriculture to more sustainable practices. My experiences and knowledge have grown hugely from being out and about and talking to people across catchments, as well as seeing the data I have collected.

A friendly culture, meaningful work and a focus on training and development make for a great place to work.

Where do you see your career progressing in the next five years?

The environmental requirements and additional commitments of water companies mean our team has been expanding since I joined. This opens opportunities for me to progress onto further technical, scientific or advisory roles. There are also many roles across the company of an environmental nature, from biodiversity to water production.