Business plan 2025-2030

Our 2025-30 business plan proposes levels of investment to maintain and enhance services to both customers and the environment.

Read our business plan 2025-30

We submitted our 2025-30 business plan to Ofwat in October 2023. Our initial plan proposed levels of investment to maintain and enhance services to both customers and the environment.

Planning for the future

Every five years we publish a plan that sets out how we’ll be improving services for our customers and the environment. This links to our long-term plans under our strategic direction.

This plan is based on what customers tell us is most important to them, what regulators require us to do, and our views on how to deliver these two sets of requirements in the best value way possible.

We take information from customer surveys and focus groups as part of our ongoing customer engagement programme and include requirements from regulators, such as the Environment Agency and the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI).

The business plan details the level of investment needed to achieve these improvements. Ofwat regulates this investment, its impact on customer bills and the services customers receive.

Our proposals for 2025-30

In October 2023 we submitted our business plan for 2025-30, known as PR24, to Ofwat for scrutiny and assessment.

In July 2024 Ofwat published its provisional assessment of our business plan, known as its draft determination. This set out its view on all aspects of the plan, including required levels of investment, the performance that it expects from this investment, and the associated level of customer bills.

In light of Ofwat’s assessment, in August 2024 we submitted further information which included some changes to our initial plan.

Customer talking to a Customer Inspector

Your water, your say

We have talked to thousands of customers, businesses and stakeholders over a two-year period to help us develop our 2025-30 business plan.

At the heart of our long-term plan are eight outcomes that customers and stakeholders have told us are most important to them.

We held a 'Your water, your say' session in April 2023 for customers and stakeholders to hear how the plan had developed, have their say and ask questions. We used this feedback, together with insight from our extensive customer engagement and discussions with regulators, to finalise our business plan to submit to Ofwat.

At a follow-up session in November 2023, Group Chief Executive Colin Skellett presented a summary of the submitted plan and opened the floor for questions. Insight from this event will help Ofwat in its assessment of our plan. Watch the presentation below.

If you’d like to find out more, the presentation slides and written records for both sessions can be found in the document box below. Colin’s presentation from the April session is also available to watch.

In July 2024 Ofwat held its own Your Water, Your Say session to get customers and other stakeholders’ views on its draft decisions on companies’ business plans.

What happens when?

A full timeline setting out all the key stages in the price review process is set out below.